Lesson 4: Job Interview Tips and Know-Hows
(Before, During, and After)

Great job! You made an impression on the hiring manager with your cover letter and resume. What’s next? A job interview! This next step can be nerve-wracking, even for those who feel confident in their skills and qualifications. The key to a successful interview is preparation.

This lesson will cover everything you need to know about interviews, including what to do before, during, and after.

Before the Interview

  1. Prepare: Read the job description and ensure you know all the specific information the company is looking for based on the qualifications. Bring your cover letter, resume, and all other materials required for the interview.
  2. Practice: List down possible questions and prepare answers to them. Anticipating questions is essential to build confidence. Take this as an opportunity to know yourself and the company better, especially what they are considering for the role.
  3. Presentation: Aside from your documents, you must deliver a professional appearance. It’s good to know the dress code specified in the job posting. Avoid wearing heavy make-up or revealing clothing.

During a Job Interview

  1. Be punctual: Try to arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview begins. Nothing shows dedication and readiness like being on time for a meeting.
  2. Be yourself: Calm your nerves and do your best to relax. Greet the hiring manager as soon as you enter the room and smile. They would usually guide you through the process so you can follow along.
  3. Be concise: with the interviewer, who will feel more comfortable asking you follow-up questions and giving feedback.
  4. Be ready: You may need clarifications. Don’t hesitate to ask them. This way, you can establish rapport with the interviewer, who will feel more comfortable asking you follow-up questions and giving feedback.
  5. Be confident: Trust your ability to do the job and show conviction in your answers. A job interview is a time to prove yourself and stand out. Remember to quantify your skills and knowledge to qualify for the position.

After a Job Interview

  1. Ask questions: Before the interview ends, the interviewer may give you time to answer your questions. Take this opportunity to ask more about the company and the next step in the hiring process.
  2. Thank the hiring manager: Take the moment to express gratitude for their time to meet you. Being polite goes a long way and can bring you one step closer to your dream job.
  3. Send an email: Make the first move after the job interview. You can give a thank-you email and show the hiring manager your willingness to provide additional details if needed. Indicate your contact details so they can contact you for feedback/updates.

Sample Email Follow-up

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